Project Planning
Visioning and Planning
Schematic Designs
Assistance with bidding other project consultatnts and assembly of project team
Engineer’s estimate of probable cost
Assessment of existing conditions
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tract Map
Technical Drainage Study
Grading and Drainage Plan
Low Impact Development
Storm water capture and use (cistern)
Street Improvement Plans
Storm water detention / infiltration design
Utility Plans
Water distribution / water main plans
Sewer Design Plans
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Water Quality Management Plans (SWMP)
Erosion Control Plans
Horizontal Control Plan
Fire Department Access Plan
Bridge and retaining wall engineering
Onsite Wastewater Design
Storm-, sump- and waste-water pump system design
Site characterization
Additional Services
CNG fueling plants
Quality Control / quality assurance
Processing of city, state, and coastal permits
Construction Management
Real estate due diligence
Existing storm drainage and septic system inspections